SEVERE WEATHER ALERT. Click here for more information.

Invoice Correction Request


Check to see required fields: 
Company Information
Contact Information

You will receive response by email. Please allow us 3-5 business days to complete your request.

NOTE: Corrections cannot be completed on paid Pro number(s).
If any correction entry needs further explanation than dispute category, please write a brief explanation for each request below.
If any correction requires support documents, up to 5 documents can be uploaded using this web form. All additional support documents can be faxed to (586) 819-0065 or emailed to and reference the Pro # in the subject line.

For Incorrect Weight or Dimensions disputes the following is required:
  • Printed detailed packing slip or purchase order that accompanied the shipment.
  • Printed product catalog or web site link that indicates the weight and/or dimensions of the items shipped.
Invalid Character


Your business is our business

Central Transport helps to build and shape the United States by transporting the goods businesses need to run, and the goods they produce. We are proud to provide such critical services which touch every facet of everyday life. It is our goal to help your business be as successful as possible by making sure your freight gets to its destination safely and when needed – at a cost you can afford. Thank you for choosing Central Transport.

  (586) 467-1900