Multiple Pickup Request


Pickups scheduled for same day pick up AFTER 3 pm will be scheduled for the following business day.

As the shipper you may submit multiple shipments for pickup. You can enter up to 5 different destination shipments for your convenience.

Check to see required fields
Shipper Information
Would you like email confirmation?  
Contact Information Check if different than shipper information:  
Pickup Specifics (Shipper's local time)
Destination Information

Destinations (0)

Check destinations drop-down list below to ensure all destinations that were entered appear in the list. All entries in list will be submitted for pickup. Edit or remove an entry by selecting zip code from the list and clicking "Edit" or "Remove" button.



Your business is our business

Central Transport helps to build and shape the United States by transporting the goods businesses need to run, and the goods they produce. We are proud to provide such critical services which touch every facet of everyday life. It is our goal to help your business be as successful as possible by making sure your freight gets to its destination safely and when needed – at a cost you can afford. Thank you for choosing Central Transport.

  (586) 467-1900